What is monitor?

Monitors are the most popular output device used today for producing soft copy output.

Write a program to Calculate Factorial of a number using Recursion.

           int a, fact;

Write a program to converts the given Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celcius and vice versa.


main ()
float temp_c, temp_f;

Write a program to find the n’th fibonacci series.

Void main( )
Int n, i, c, a = 0, b = 1;

What is the difference between i++ and ++i?

i++ returns the result of i after it has been incrsmented, whereas +i return the value of i before it has been incremented.

What is conditional operator? Explain with example.

Conditional Operator:
The conditional operator is unique in that it has three operands separated by two unconnected operatoe symbols. All other C++ operator are either unary or binary.